Online Courses | Midlands Technical College (2024)

Online Degrees and Programs

Online Courses | Midlands Technical College (1)The following programs can be completed entirely online:

  • Criminal Justice Degree​
  • Criminal Justice Certificate
  • Accounting and Payroll Specialist
  • Medical Coding and Billing Specialist
  • Supervisory Certificate

Many other programs offer online courses for a significant portion of the program requirements.

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Search for Online Courses

Academic students

To view courses, visitthe class search pageand choose "Online" or "Virtual" for the location. Academic students have applied to and been accepted byMTC.

Training students

MTC offers online classes taught by local instructors in virtual and online formats. MTC also provides online options through a network of qualified, national instructors from LERN and EdGo. To view our online courses, visit here and click on the topic you are interested in for a complete course description.

To register, contact the Corporate and Continuing Education Registration Office at 803.732.0432 or

What's the difference between academic programs and training programs?
Only academic programs provide college credit, transfer to four-year colleges and universities, and are eligible for federal financial aid (FAFSA). Training programs can be completed in a matter of weeks or months. These are not eligible for federal financial aid, but they may qualify for other scholarships and grant funds.

Types of Online Courses

MTCoffers online courses in three formats.

Online courses:delivered via the internet and do not have a set daily class schedule. However, you will likely have regular deadlines you must meet each week during the semester.

Virtual courses:delivered online, through free, downloadable web conferencing software and allow you to see, hear, and speak with your instructors in real-time. These courses meet at set times during the week, similar to a traditional on-campus class.

Hybrid courses:feature both on-campus and online learning. Some learning activities will take place online, but classes will meet on-campus on regularly scheduled days and times as well.​

Required Online Orientation Course (Virtual Backpack)

Before registering for an online academic class for the first time, you will need to complete the short, free, and fast Virtual Backpack course. It is not required forhybrid courses, but we strongly recommend you complete it before registering for those courses. This short online course will help introduce you to the structure of online courses and give you some of the technical knowledge you will need to succeed in online classes. Once you have been assigned aD2Laccount, you will automatically be enrolled in the Virtual Backpack course and can access it bylogging into D2L.

Are you a prospectiveMTCstudent who is interested in taking online courses? Use the following credentials to demo the Virtual Backpack. Keep in mind that if you enroll atMTCat a later date you will need to complete the Virtual Backpack under your own account prior to enrolling in online courses.

Demo login:
Demo username:BackpackDemo​
Demo password:BackpackDemo

What to Know Before You Register

Every online and hybrid course at Midlands Technical College has a Preregistration Information Page linked on the Class Search Registration page. This page includes information about each course such as technical requirements, orientation requirements, on-campus/off-campus requirements, etc.

There are many benefits to taking online and hybrid courses, including fewer trips to campus, flexible scheduling, and a relaxed learning environment. However, keep in mind that online and hybrid courses demand that you be self-motivated and proactive. Also, online delivery does not mean the workload is less than a face-to-face course nor does it mean that there are no due dates or attendance requirements. There will be an assignment schedule to follow and instructors will verify attendance through the assigned online activities.

You must have access to reliable internet service to take online or hybrid courses. It is also imperative that you have basic computer skills, such as navigating the internet, sending emails, usingD2LBrightspace, and using common computer software such as Microsoft Word.

Four days before the semester begins, be sure to log intoD2LBrightspaceto access your course syllabi, assignments, and all other information related to the course. Unless otherwise noted, it is very important to have the textbook and all required class materials by the first day of class.

To find the class preregistration pages, pleasesearch for your class here.

If you have any questions regarding your class, contact your instructor immediately.

If you are an otherwise qualified student with a documented disability, please contactDisability Servicesas soon as possible prior to the first day of class to request accommodations.

Student Complaints

In compliance with U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) rules, an institution offering distance education must provide enrolled and prospective students with contact information for filing complaints with its accrediting agency and with the appropriate state agency for handling complaints in the student's state. Please visit theStudent Complaintspage for information about the student grievance process.

Online Courses | Midlands Technical College (2024)


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